civil rights

Honoring the Legacy of Courage in Rock HillHonoring the Legacy of Courage in Rock Hill

Honoring the Legacy of Courage in Rock Hill

News Summary In Rock Hill, South Carolina, the legacy of the Friendship 9, a group of young black college students…

4 weeks ago
The Role of Lawyers Who Sue Jails: A Discussion on Holding Jails AccountableThe Role of Lawyers Who Sue Jails: A Discussion on Holding Jails Accountable

The Role of Lawyers Who Sue Jails: A Discussion on Holding Jails Accountable

Jails are meant to be places of rehabilitation, but all too often they are sites of abuse and neglect. In…

2 years ago
The Importance of Lawyers Who Help Prisoners: Advocating for the IncarceratedThe Importance of Lawyers Who Help Prisoners: Advocating for the Incarcerated

The Importance of Lawyers Who Help Prisoners: Advocating for the Incarcerated

The United States has the sixth highest incarceration rate in the world and South Carolina has an incarceration rate of 678…

2 years ago